Saturday 29 December 2012

My lungs hurt.

Twenty-four Km run since last post.

This week was the first week of training. I've successfully completed four of the five runs in my schedule this week, with the final one tomorrow. The runs have generally been ok though a little slow when I start. It isn't that surprising given this week was Christmas and I haven't stopped eating since last post. Today though, I hit sulphite induced wheezing ridiculousness. My scheduled run was a mere 3km and I considered stopping after 1. As usual I can't put my finger on what caused the reaction all I know is that my lungs hurt. To illustrate the difference in timings - my 6km average pace of last post was 5'43, today on my 3km run it was 6'07.

I'm reading a book at the moment on ideal weights for endurance athletes, I don't consider myself an endurance athlete but given I'm doing a spot of endurance racing next year I thought it might be a useful read.   Essentially I am told the ideal body fat percentage for a female triathlete is 12-16%. Given my current body fat percentage is about double that the book tells me to perhaps be a little more realistic, leaving me with an 'ideal for me' percentage of 23.7.. only 7% body fat to lose then. Brilliant.

The stats as they stand today:

Weight: 64.2 Kg (+500g) 
Body Fat: 30.9% (-0.1%)
Muscle: 42.1 Kg (+400g) 

Once again using the excuse of Christmas I can't really complain much, a spot of extra muscle is better than a spot of extra wobble.

Other general highlights from running this week:

The Chapel Allerton windmill in Somerset. I had to run a lap around it to make up my 5km that day.

Jane Austen's house in Chawton, Hampshire.

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