Thursday 3 January 2013

Smug on a Thursday

22.5 Km since last run.

I managed to shake off the sulphite wheeze last Sunday and ran my fastest pace since training began: 6.5 km at 5'42. Makes no sense really.

I'm starting to feel the extra miles, my little legs are a bit tender and I was tired beyond words last night. My own fault though, after a 10 km hill run I suggested walking from Hamstead Heath through Camden and down the canal to Little Venice: 10 km of walking. Made me think I need a whole load more training before I'll be able to tackle the marathon/half iron man. Getting there though. Today marked a small mental victory; I was tired from yesterday and really didn't want to go for a run, but I did and now I'm feeling all nice and smug.

The highlight of this weeks running so far was probably the view from Brockwell Park yesterday, pretty city:

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