Friday 15 February 2013

A feel a little dizzy actually.

Weight: 62.7kg
Body Fat: 29.6%
Muscle: 41.9kg

Running: 1 day, 8 hours, 52 minutes
Cycling: 2 hours 50mins
Swimming: 2 hours 50 mins
Other: 1 hour 10 mins

I've been on a few runs lately where I have just felt plain dizzy. I'm wondering if this is just because I have been tired, and before this training schedule I just wouldn't have gone out so not had this before or if it is because of a lack of proper nutrition.. I'm leaning towards the latter. I've felt a bit out of sorts since my last big run (24km last Sunday). I was an epic run, further than I have ever run before. I think it has thrown my metabolism out somehow, because I haven't felt much like eating since and am almost forcing down food but not ever feeling like I've had enough. I'll keep an eye on it. Today I had two breakfasts, that may have helped a little - I just cycled 30 mins to the pool then did an hour session there. I did also eat a Clif energy bar before setting off and an omelette on arrival home. I should be alright.

I have been stressed lately, long hours of fieldwork and then I had a PhD interview to prepare for and attend (I've been recommended for it btw, just waiting on confirmation) so that may be linked to the dizzy and general out of sorts feeling as well.

As for training highlight and lowlights.. I think my 5km feeling completely dizzy was pretty poor, but today I did have pool rage. It is annoying when someone does breaststroke in the fast lane, to do backstroke with butterfly arms is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. I lost count of the times I had to swim around this muppet.

Highlights.. I did a nice run around London:

Houses of Parliament
London Eye
St Paul's Cathedral
The Shard

Not bad for 10k. 

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