Friday 1 February 2013

It's getting a bit hard now.

I'm changing tact when it comes to reporting my stats. I'm going to just add/remove from the original baseline stats, mainly because I have a spreadsheet that kindly does this for me and removes the need for me to do math.

So, totals since starting training:

Swimming:  01:50
Cycling:  01:45
Running: 22:34
Other: 01:00

And the health stats:

Weight: 63kg, ( - 700g since the beginning)  
Body Fat: 30.9 ( - pretty much nothing since beginning)
Muscle: 41.3Kg ( - 400g since beginning, you get the idea) 

Health wise I'm feeling pretty good this week. I have been away for work again and decided there would be no snacking on biscuits or the like, only fruit and other healthy things. Save for the one 'bubble' chocolate bar yesterday I've succeeded in this and it is probably what accounts for a slight reduction in weight. Hoorah. My life saver was a bag of (organic) sultanas. I did eat the whole bag over 5 days.. but that's ok. I say they are organic because I can't eat non organic dried fruit because it is slathered in sulphites. I didn't know this as a small child and ate little else but sultanas, needless to say I spent a fair chunk of my childhood ill and spent far too much time in hospital.  

Fitness wise I have had a hard couple of weeks. I have been conducting the fieldwork for a research project I'm running. It means long days in quite difficult environments and leaves very little time or energy for fitness. I ran a particularly slow 7 km yesterday on a treadmill (I couldn't face the wind and rain in the tired state I was in) and hated every moment of it. But, making up for that somewhat were runs earlier in the week, including a respectable 17.5 km around lovely Bath. I'm running the Bath half marathon in a few weeks so I tested out the route, seems nice and flat - bring on the PB! 

Bath City from the air, very pretty.

I'm away for work again next week, this time up north. It will involve three hotels over 5 nights, most of them in the middle of nowhere.. wish me luck..

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