Wednesday 27 February 2013

Too busy training to write

                 Swim        Bike         Run        Other
TOTALS 00:04:50 00:09:05 01:18:36 01:10

       Weight    Body Fat   Muscle
63.7 30.9 42.2

Bit of a lazy report today. I've been running a lot of km over the past few weeks with long runs getting up to 28km last Saturday. This week is my first week of feeling sore. I have one toenail that feels like it might fall off, sore hips and when I jumped on my bike to come home from work today I appear to have developed a strained muscle in my thigh. I felt something in my thigh go last Sunday on a run but it seemed to disappear after the first few minutes. I pulled out of my spin class tonight as a result - I need to rest, I have the Bath Half Marathon on Sunday, not to mention avoiding proper injury. Urgh.

Highlights of the last few weeks then.. My first big big run last week (26km) took in the wonderful sights of Hyde Park:

Hyde Park: The Serpentine
While on my second big big run (28km) I ran along the Thames, making it down past Hammersmith bridge where the path becomes surprisingly rural:

Hammersmith Bridge
But most excitingly of all, on my run I passed this man:

Michele Roux Jr
He was also running and I overtook him. Possibly the highlight of my running career to date. 

I'm looking forward to the Bath Half next week as a kind of break from long distance running, I think my body needs it. 

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